Mental Health Hotlines

National Emergency Line
The 911 phone number is a universal emergency service line for immediate assistance during crises, connecting callers to trained dispatchers who can send appropriate responders. It plays a vital role in public safety, providing swift, life-saving support in dire situations.
The Industry We Know And Love

The amount of American's living with a serious mental illness.

Construction Industry vs. Other Industries
"Two months into a new project, I realized I had underbid by $100,000. The pressure mounted, though I didn’t talk about it with my wife or the subcontractors on the job. I thought about my life insurance policy and thought to myself, ‘this money issue gets solved if you’re not around’. It was like an itch that kept talking to me and talking to me. I thought of how my two-year-old son would probably never remember me.
I called a suicide hotline three times. One person on the other end of the line told me that if I took my own life, my wife and son had a 50% greater chance of trying the same thing. That put me back in my chair. I couldn’t put that kind of burden on them. I didn’t want them to think it’s an okay thing." -Shared from the AGC Missouri Chapter
1 Life. 1 Coworker. 1 Friend
Hear from our Workforce Risk and Worker Wellbeing Committee Chair, Mariah Woodfield.

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Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
Our EAP offers confidential & no-cost assistance for employee-owners and immediate family members.
Get help with personal challenges including: family, marital, alcohol, drugs, emotional, legal, financial, elder care, child care, etc.
Crisis intervention available 24/7.
If you'd like more information about our EAP, use this form to ask any questions or share any feedback. We're always happy to help you understand this benefit and how it may be able to help you!