Project Lonestar - West Jordan, UT
Completed 2019
This project included performing site grading on an 84-acre site for Amazon. In the first 12 days of the project, our team was able to cut and fill 400,000 cubic yards of native dirt to get our concrete crews moving. Over the following 35 days, we then moved an additional 600,000 cubic yards of native dirt to complete the excavation. All materials placed were moistrure-conditioned using tens of millions of gallons of water, compacted in 12" lifts within an inch of the finished design. This was a 24-hour per day, 7 days per week effort.

$3.2 Million- Completed 2014
This project included rehabilitation and construction of multiple water-regulating structures, levee, and scour hole repair. This work required extensive coffer dam construction, dewatering, earthwork and installation of over 12,000 cy of stabilization material and 4,000 cy of rip-rap.
I-80 Wildlife Crossing - Pequop Summit - Nevada
Completed 2018
This project included the moving and placement of 130,000 cubic yards of material to construct two safety crossings near the Pequop Summit in Nevada. These crossings help carry wildlife over I-80 and help reduce potentially dangerous vehicle-animal collisions.

Weber High School - Taylor - New Location
This project included clearning a 36-acre site stockpiling 10,000 cubic yards of topsoil, site cutting/filling of 38,000 cubic yards of material and placing nearly 200,000 tons of granular fill. (Photos: Weber School District)
SR-154 (Bangerter Highway), 600 West - Utah
This project consisted of excavating nearly 250,000 cubic yards of roadway for a new bridge embankment, installing 120,000 tons of granular borrow and roadbase, and constructing 1.5 miles of new roadway.

I-84, I-86 SLC Interchange - Idaho
This project consisted of roadway excavation of more than 500,000 cubic yards of material for three new bridges and off-ramps, 130,000 cubic yards of rock excavation crushed and screened for granular sub-base, and importing and placing 72,000 tons of roadbase.