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Antelope Causeway Pipeline

Final Effluent Pipeline

North Davis Sewer District

The Project consists of a new final effluent pipeline and outfall and includes approximately 6.25-miles of buried 63-inch OD HDPE pipeline, multiple stainless steel air vents, a cast-in-place  outfall structure, a grouted riprap and earthen channel, traffic control to facilitate construction, revegetating and restoring surfaces (including wetlands).

The purpose of the Antelope Causeway Pipeline Project is to develop and implement a nutrient management plan!


Identify alternatives that meet impending regulatory requirements of the technology-based phosphorus effluent limits (TBPEL) & other potential future effluent limits.

        The North Davis Sewer District’s (NDSD)  mission is to meet and/or exceed regulatory requirements and protect the water quality of receiving water bodies. This project explores alternatives that may be more beneficial than a No-Action Alternative.

Maximize the benefit of NDSD’s effluent to Great Salt Lake (GSL) and the public.

        NDSD seeks to invest in alternatives that (1) improve the water quality of Farmington Bay and (2) maximize the probability that NDSD’s effluent will continue to flow into GSL into the future.


Guide capital investment.

     ▣   NDSD does not want to make short-sighted or unnecessary Water Reclamation Facility (WRF) improvements that need to be removed, abandoned, and replaced because of new, more stringent nutrient regulatory requirements in the near future.


What is effluent?

liquid waste or wastewater discharged into a river or the sea.


The NDSD planners determined that enhanced water quality in combination with increasing demand for water resources will likely increase the value of a new WRF effluent in the marketplace and lead others to reuse it for secondary or even primary drinking water.


Higher water quality paid for by NDSD makes the effluent more attractive to other water purveyors who now can invest less themselves for its use. Although reuse would eliminate all of NDSD’s nutrient load to Farmington Bay, it may also eliminate the WRF’s effluent to Farmington Bay and GSL. A reduction of inflows to the GSL could increase the already detrimental changes in GSL’s ecosystem.

Keeping water flowing to GSL is a priority. NDSD worked with DWQ and GSL stakeholders to investigate alternatives to meeting the TBPEL that both meet water quality regulations and increase the probability of maintaining its flow into GSL.

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44 S 1050 W

(435) 723-2921

Brigham City, UT 84302

2170 S. Brigham Pl.

Magna, UT 84044

527 E. Quality Drive

(435) 673-6152

St George, UT 84790

1705 S 2050 W

West Haven, UT 84401

4336 S 1650 W (A-100 & A-200)

Ogden, UT 84405

Brigham City:

(435) 723-2921

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(435) 673-6152

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